A Humble Introduction

Good day my fellow friends!

My warmest greetings to those of you who happen to coincidentally (or maybe not) stumble into this blog of mine and more importantly, are highly interested in our good ol' ancient Greek myths! 😅 As this blog of mine will be focusing solely on the ancient Greek myths.

After being exposed to the numerous Greek myths and stories the past 11 weeks of studying for this unit in uni, I will be journeying with you and most probably recreating (ya know, just to spice things up a little bit) 2 of my favourite myths - Odysseus & Polyphemus as well as Pandora's little jar of evil sources and of course, some goodness as well. 😏 

I hope that you will enjoy this little journey back into the other world with me the for the next few posts and I look forward to entertaining you guys here. 

Lo and behold because this will be the place for you to be. Stay tuned!

Yours truly,



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