Odysseus & Polyphemus: The Recreation

Welcome back, friends!

I hope that I haven't bore any of you to death with my choice of story and attempt in retelling the story to all of you. Just thought that it'd be a good idea to give a slight background to those of you who doesn't know anything about the myth. However, setting that aside, I hope that you are coming back for some Greek myth goodness from me. 😃 In today's post, I will be recreating the story of Odysseus and Polyphemus by adding some sugar, spice & everything nice. 😂 Lets get it started, shall we? *fingers crossed*


One rainy night back in the olden days, Odysseus and his men had to go through a very bad storm on their way back home to Odysseus' homeland, Ithaca. Due to the strong waves and howling wind that they had to encounter, they were washed away to a deserted and unknown island despite all their efforts to steer their ship back on track. Instinctively, they quickly got out and looked for shelter as soon as they reached and anchored their voyage. They were searching high and low for a shelter when one of Odysseus' men yelled to inform them that he found a cave full of food and all of them hurriedly went in the cave.

Once they entered the cave, they built a fireplace to keep themselves warm devoured all the food that were within their sight without any doubt. But halfway through their meal, a one-eyed giant named Polyphemus entered the cave with a flock of sheep and a herd of cattle in front of him. Once every single sheep and cattle of his had entered, he shut the entrance of his cave with a big boulder. There goes their escape plan. 

When he saw all that was going on in his cave, he went berserk and started roaring away. That left Odysseus and his men astounded as the giant was anything but close to friendly and welcoming. Or must I say, hangry (hungry and angry) even because he immediately caught two of Odysseus' men and started pulling their body parts apart and eating them. He sure reminds me of a typical caveman but less charming and more barbaric. 😅

Gotta say that Fred Flintstone is a friendlier caveman the Polyphemus is. 😂
(Credits: gifsoup.com)

And Polyphemus probably looked like this when he was eating.
(Credits: tenor.com)

Well, lucky enough for Odysseus and his men, he calmed down after filling his stomach. After eating, Polyphemus started to zone out and acted like a typical pig who sleeps right after eating. 😪 Either way, that situation was definitely advantageous for Odysseus and his men as with that time, they managed to come up with a plot to escape. A few of their plans are as below:

  1. They were going to push the boulder aside while the giant was asleep but that failed as the boulder was too heavy even when all the men worked together.
  2. When that failed, they planned to kill Polyphemus while he was sleeping but that also failed because if they killed him, they would still be stuck in the cave.
  3. They were going to get Polyphemus drunk and blind him with a stake but they couldn't find anything for them to use as a weapon. 
  4. They were going to just pray to the Gods and hope that they will save them from their misery if all else fails. 

I'm sure thats how all of them felt when all their plans doesn't seem viable.
(Credits: gif-finder.com)

Just when they thought that nothing would work and they would have to rot and die in the cave, they were struck with an eureka!

With all the brown dirt on the cave floor and their white fur outerwear, they would disguise as a sheep or cattle the next time Polyphemus leaves the cave with them.

This was definitely how they felt and looked like when they thought of the best plan to escape.
(Credits: tumblr.com)

That way, they should be able to successfully escape from the cave. Having figured out that escape plan, they called it a night and rested. The next day, Polyphemus left the cave as usual with his sheep and cattle. During that time, Odysseus and his men prepared their props for their escape plan. When dusk came, Polyphemus returned from his day of work with his animals and a few clueless travellers. That night, he again made two men his dinner but luckily for Odysseus and his men, he devoured two of the mortals instead. I guess it was his way of stamping his authority.

After dinner, Odysseus and his men thought of speeding up their escape plan and offered some wine that they had brought together with them to Polyphemus. They thought that if he were to have a few drinks, he would lose some of his intellect and conscience. Little did they know, after Polyphemus' fifth cup of wine he was knocked out and he was no where close to being sober. I guess they expected more from him. Odysseus quickly sought the opportunity to ask Polyphemus if he wanted to go for a walk with his sheep and cattle to get over his drunken state. Polyphemus being intoxicated agreed as he did not know what was going on let alone make a correct judgement. Odysseus and his men together with the other clueless and fearful mortals started dressing up as they had planned. Once they were ready, Odysseus told Polyphemus that he should go out now and take a stroll under the starry night. Polyphemus cluelessly agreed and moved the boulder aside as he got his animals to go out.

Once they were out, Odysseus and his men followed behind the sheep and cattle to avoid any suspicion. After walking together until they caught a glimpse of their voyage, they slowly separated from Polyphemus and his flock.

They then quickly ran to where their voyage was last anchored to once they got the opportunity to but Polyphemus was trailing right behind them as he managed to catch them in action. The midnight air must have really worked in clearing his mind. Upon reaching the shoreline where their voyage was anchored, they were surprised to find their voyage wrecked due to the bad storm the previous night. Nothing was left of it except the broken pieces of the voyage. They couldn't have gotten any more unlucky than this

It was as if Zeus strucked his lightning bolt and destroyed the whole voyage.
(Credits: Pinterest.com)

Desperate, Odysseus turned to the good ol' Athena and begged her to provide him a voyage so that he and his men could escape the wrath of Polyphemus. Athena being Athena who always had a soft spot for Odysseus granted his wish and a voyage appeared in front of him and his men like magic. Quickly, Odysseus and his men hopped onto the new voyage and sailed across the ocean. 

As they started sailing, Odysseus who was feeling triumphant turned back to say goodbye to Polyphemus
(Credits: sharegif.com)

While Polyphemus who was left behind feeling nothing but defeated and frustrated.
(Credits: Giphy)

And that, my friends is the end of my version of the story. I hope that you enjoyed reading through my version of the story and I hope that I did not disappoint any of you.

Till the next post, please do stay tuned! xx



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