The Descent of Woman (Pandora): Visual Representation

As before, below are some of the visual representation that I find interesting about our story about Pandora and the two brothers. Of course, Zeus as well. Can't possibly forget him, can I? 😌

Do enjoy!

This version had Hermes presenting Pandora to Epimetheus.
(Picture Credits)

Incident where Pandora opened her infamous jar of grim cares and Epimetheus being shocked by all that came out from the jar. It is clear that only one element remained in the jar and that should be Hope.
(Credits: gettyimages)

A sculpture of Epimetheus on the left and Pandora on the right. But it seems a little funny how Epimetheus is holding the jar instead of Pandora, ain't it? 😯
(Picture Credits)

The two figures on the left are Zeus & Hermes who were seen chuckling away while Epimetheus reaches down to lift Pandora up with a cupid (Eros) hovering above them found on an Attic Red Figure, c 450 B.C.
(Picture Credits)

And I'm sorry to say that these are all the pictures I could find about Pandora and those around her. As disappointed as I was to not be able to find more pictures related to this myth, I hope that all of you enjoyed this post!



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