The Descent of Woman (Pandora): The Recreation

Good morning, everybody!

I hope that all of you had a good night's rest and aren't swarmed with assignments and assessments just like me. 😭 I'm feeling so drained and tired from all that I have to do as the due date for all my assignments are slowly creeping closer. God save me.

Either way, on a brighter and more positive note, I am here to deliver my version of Pandora's story! 😁 Due to all the stress and lack of sleep that I have to go through the past few weeks, I hope that I live up to all of your expectations as I compose my story. 😊


Long time ago, there lived two brother's named Prometheus and Epimetheus who were the sons of Iapetus and Clymene. Prometheus the most handsome and muscular bloke around his turf. On another note, Epimetheus was a more timid, witty and must I say, nerdier one of the two brothers.

I would imagine Prometheus to be like this if I had to imagine.

And this is how Epimetheus would probably look like.
(Credits: Giphy)

One warm and sunny day, Prometheus decided to hit the beach to do some sunbathing. I would say that his real intention was to show off his muscular body. 😉 As he was laying down his beach towel, the goddess of love and beauty named Aphrodite passed by him as she was also looking for a spot to sunbathe. She immediately caught Prometheus' attention and he gathered all his courage to catch on her to inform her that there was an empty spot beside him and she could join him. Aphrodite who was also attracted to Prometheus' good looks and muscular body agreed to join him. And since then, they started flirting around with each other and got to know each other better.

This was what the situation looked like then.
(Credit: Prince Resorts Hawaii)

However, the sun started to set and Aphrodite excused herself as she said that she had to go home because her parents was expecting her. However, they promised to meet again the next day at that very same spot. And they did. They met each other everyday for a week.

Unluckily for them, Aphrodite's father, Zeus was suspicious over Aphrodite's activity the past week and so he decided to follow her around on that day. To his surprise, and everybody's surprised, the couple was caught red-handed by the almighty Zeus. Zeus being a typical overprotective father, was furious and in that instant, the sky darkened and lightning struck at all corners of the earth. Aphrodite who was fearful quickly hid behind Prometheus in hopes that he would be able to save her from that situation. But even Prometheus was terrified of Zeus at that moment. Nonetheless, he tried to look manly and spoke up to Zeus first asking for his permission to date his daughter. As we would have expected, Zeus was against the idea and he instantly ordered Aphrodite to follow him home despite her efforts of begging her dad to give them his blessings. It was to no avail.

Isn't it heartbreaking?
(Picture Credits)

Nevertheless, the couple did not give up and tried to secretly meet up until they were caught in action for the second time by Zeus.

I would be scared shitless if I was caught by Zeus twice too.

Zeus thought that there was no way that he was going to give Prometheus his blessing to date or even go near his daughter. Therefore, he turned to Hesphaestus and Athena to ask them for a favour. He asked them to create the most beautiful (or maybe second most beautiful woman after his daughter) and provide her with all the good traits of an elegant and exquisite lady that a man would look for. She will be called Pandora. Without any doubt or questions, the two Gods granted Zeus his request and the provided her with a mysterious box. They have told her to keep the box safe and sound at all times and she wasn't allowed to open it until she was 21-years-old.


Once she was made into being, Zeus presented her to Prometheus as his daughter's replacement. Prometheus who promised Aphrodite that he would be loyal to her politely declined Zeus' offer. Zeus who saw Prometheus' sincerely on that day finally gave the couple his blessing. Well, love conquers all after all don't they?

Don't we believe so? 😉
(Picture Credits)

The story doesn't end there though. Epimetheus who was with his brother when the incident took place fell head over heels for Pandora instead and Pandora reciprocated that love to him. Epimetheus then boldly asked Zeus if he could have her since his brother's love for Aphrodite is transcendent. Zeus who had nothing to lose then gladly agreed to allow them to date each other. As days passed into weeks and weeks turned into years, the two couple's love for each other grew. And the couples live happily and harmoniously with each other.


However, one day, as Pandora was looking intently at the box that was given to her by the Gods and pondering about the contents of the box, she accidentally dropped the box as Epimetheus gave her a scare from behind. They got a shock of their lives after the box opened and as evil things of the world that was never a problem escaped quickly from the box. Pandora who was flustered quickly shut the lid of the jar and luckily, the good things that were contained in the box didn't escape. Since that day, mankind started to have grim cares and Pandora started living in a slight depression as the incident only took place because of her clumsiness.

(Picture Credits)

It was later revealed that the reason behind the God's warning to not open the box until she was 21 years-old was because all the grim cares contained in the jar would be transformed into goodness and blessings. The main reason the box was presented to her was because Zeus wanted to punish Prometheus of his wrongdoings initially had they opened the box earlier as Zeus somehow knew that Prometheus couldn't deal with curiosity. Little did they know, things would get this messy and complicated as they thought that there was no way that the box would be opened after Pandora was matched with Epimetheus.


That is all there is for this version of my story, friends! 😎 Again, I hope that there was no disappointment and I hope that you liked my version of the story.

Till the next post, all! xx

Yours sincerely,


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