
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Descent of Woman (Pandora): The Recreation

Good morning, everybody! I hope that all of you had a good night's rest and aren't swarmed with assignments and assessments just like me. 😭 I'm feeling so drained and tired from all that I have to do as the due date for all my assignments are slowly creeping closer. God save me. Either way, on a brighter and more positive note, I am here to deliver my version of Pandora's story! 😁 Due to all the stress and lack of sleep that I have to go through the past few weeks, I hope that I live up to all of your expectations as I compose my story. 😊 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long time ago, there lived two brother's named Prometheus and Epimetheus who were the sons of Iapetus and Clymene. Prometheus the most handsome and muscular bloke around his turf. On another note, Epimetheus was a more timid, witty and must I say, nerdier one of the two brothers. I would imagine Prometheus to be like this if I had

The Descent of Woman (Pandora): Visual Representation

As before, below are some of the visual representation that I find interesting about our story about Pandora and the two brothers. Of course, Zeus as well. Can't possibly forget him, can I? 😌 Do enjoy! This version had Hermes presenting Pandora to Epimetheus. ( Picture Credits ) Incident where Pandora opened her infamous jar of grim cares and Epimetheus being shocked by all that came out from the jar. It is clear that only one element remained in the jar and that should be Hope. (Credits: gettyimages ) A sculpture of Epimetheus on the left and Pandora on the right. But it seems a little funny how Epimetheus is holding the jar instead of Pandora, ain't it? 😯 ( Picture Credits ) The two figures on the left are Zeus & Hermes who were seen chuckling away while Epimetheus reaches down to lift Pandora up with a cupid (Eros) hovering above them found on an Attic Red Figure, c 450 B.C. ( Picture Credits ) And I'm sorry to say that these are all

The Descent of Woman (Pandora): The Original

Hello ya'll! Now that I am done with my first set of Greek myth, I would like to continue with my second favourite Greek myth which is Pandora. I would be sticking to the same concept as my previous story about Odysseus & Polyphemus where there will be the original version, some visual representation and finally, my remake of the story. I hope that all of you are looking forward to what is coming ahead! 😅 I promise to do my best. 😇 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First and foremost, who is this chick called Pandora that I have been raving about since the start of my post? Pandora whose name meant "All Gifts" was the first mortal found in Greek myth. She was given the name "All Gifts" because the Gods on Olympus personally bestowed their choicest gifts.  She wasn't born naturally but was created by the Gods Hesphaestus and Athena. Zeus had instructed them to beswow her with countless deceitf

Odysseus & Polyphemus: The Recreation

Welcome back, friends! I hope that I haven't bore any of you to death with my choice of story and attempt in retelling the story to all of you. Just thought that it'd be a good idea to give a slight background to those of you who doesn't know anything about the myth. However, setting that aside, I hope that you are coming back for some Greek myth goodness from me. 😃 In today's post, I will be recreating the story of Odysseus and Polyphemus by adding some sugar, spice & everything nice. 😂 Lets get it started, shall we?  *fingers crossed* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One rainy night back in the olden days, Odysseus and his men had to go through a very bad storm on their way back home to Odysseus' homeland, Ithaca. Due to the strong waves and howling wind that they had to encounter, they were washed away to a deserted and unknown island despite all their efforts to steer their ship back on track. Instincti

Odysseus & Polyphemus: Visual Representation

In this post, I have just decided to include a few famous pictures and figures that best represent this story of Odysseus & Polyphemus. I hope you enjoy them! 😊 An illustration of the same incident where Odysseus is seen to blind Polyphemus by himself with his men watching from behind. ( Picture Credits ) Odysseus and his men driving a stake into the eye of the Cyclops Polyphemus. The giant sits on a rock holding the dismembered legs of a man whilst being offered a cup of wine. The legs are all that is left of his last victim. Two main themes are portrayed in this Laconian Black Figure, 550 B.C. which are teamwork and slyness. The presence of the snake is to reinforce the fact that the incident is taking place in the cave whereas the fish below recalls Odysseus' voyage. ( Picture Credits ) Another version of how Polyphemus looks like. Must I say, he looks like the evil twin brother of Mike Wazowski from Disney's Monster Inc. HAHAHA!  Here  is the link of

Odysseus & Polyphemus: The Original

Hello again my dear friends! Today, I will do the honour of giving a rough background about the original story of Odysseus' encounter with the well-known cyclops named Polyphemus before trying to recreate the myth in my next post. As some of us might know, Polyphemus is the well-known one-eyed, man-eating cyclops who is the giant son of the god Poseidon and Thoosa. On another hand, Odysseus was the son of Laertes & Anticlea. Odysseus ( Picture credits )  Polyphemus the cyclops ( Picture credits ) Now that we have known their parents and how they are imagined to look like  (which isn't that important in my opinion 😂) , lets carry on with our story. According to the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men were returning to his homeland, Ithaca from the Trojan war but found themselves arriving at the island of the Cyclops in Sicily. Once there, Odysseus and his men explored Polyphemus' cave while he was out as the cave was full of food. Not long after, Polyphemus ret

A Humble Introduction

Good day my fellow friends! My warmest greetings to those of you who happen to coincidentally  (or maybe not)  stumble into this blog of mine and more importantly, are highly interested in our good ol' ancient Greek myths! 😅 As this blog of mine will be focusing solely on the ancient Greek myths. After being exposed to the numerous Greek myths and stories the past 11 weeks of studying for this unit in uni, I will be journeying with you and most probably recreating  (ya know, just to spice things up a little bit)  2 of my favourite myths - Odysseus & Polyphemus as well as Pandora's little jar of evil sources and of course, some goodness as well. 😏  I hope that you will enjoy this little journey back into the other world with me the for the next few posts and I look forward to entertaining you guys here.  Lo and behold because this will be the place for you to be. Stay tuned! Yours truly, Gwen.